A Marketing Enthusiast and Consultant.
Looking for my next
to make a difference.
The digital way.

This is me
I'm a tech enthusiast working in digital marketing. I’m passionate about finding the best ways of marketing, and I’m always looking for ways to reinvent marketing entirely. There’s nothing we can't do. Not even Rocket Science is Rocket Science.
Team Building SEM / SEO
Strategic Planning
Branding Social Media
Attribution Management
Landing Page Optimisation

I advise companies
and NGOs in digital marketing.
I’ve been working 10+ years in the Berlin startup ecosystem. Over the last decade, I’ve learned two main things about digital marketing:
1. It's easy. (You just need to know how to do it.)
2. Never stop learning. Never stop exploring. Never stop trying.
Technology is evolving fast, and so is the discipline of digital marketing. State-of-the-Art Google Ads Accounts from three years ago aren’t even impressive anymore. The Facebook marketing game has changed so fast that a strategy from two years ago is already outdated and likely to fail. After a decade in the industry, I’ve really gotten to know my true passions in digital marketing:
1. Making money.
Making lots of money. When I was a kid, my comic book hero was always Scrooge McDuck (known in German as Dagobert Duck). I loved that everything he did made him more money. Now I can pretend I’m Scrooge McDuck by increasing revenue for my clients. I love getting to know companies and their business models so that I can holistically analyze their digital marketing strategy. After just a week of working with a company, I can make changes that greatly improve the efficiency of that company’s marketing efforts. Think $10-$100k/month of savings with the very same output. I love seeing the direct impact my work has on companies. Then I really feel like my childhood hero, Scrooge McDuck, turning everything I touch into higher profits.
Ready to step up your marketing game?
Get in Touch & Let's Talk
2. Building marketing machines.
I love getting my hands dirty and building up solid marketing machines that include tracking and attribution (Google Analytics, Google Tag Manager, App Tracking), online marketing strategies (Google Universe, Facebook/Instagram, Native Advertising, Affiliate Marketing, etc.), A/B Testing (Landing Pages, Conversion Funnels). Getting on the ground to build a highly efficient machine is like being a kid again--building up that huge, beautiful Lego castle.
Most startups face a classic chicken or egg dilemma when it comes to creating their marketing strategy. Early-stage B2C startups are usually trying to get their first sales while spending as little money as possible, but often startups don’t have the marketing know-how to actually get those first sales. They end up doing the marketing by themselves and burning through their budget with no results. I’ve seen startups give up just because they didn’t know how to play the marketing game. By the time they called me, it was too late. No budget and no traction means no more investors.
Don’t lose the marketing game before you’ve even started!
Get in Touch & Let's Talk
If you’re bootstrapping your startup and trying not to waste your money, you probably won’t be able to pay my daily rate. But the good news is that I love working with early-stage startups. I also know that you don’t want to spend your cash on super expensive consultants. So let’s find a way that you only pay me after you’re successful. Sometimes I even become an Angel Investor in the early-stage startups I’m most interested in (read more about my company Fried Ventures).
3. Make the world a better place.
Yes, I do believe the world needs to become a better place for us and our children. There are millions of people out there working on making the world better every day, and I try to help. I consult and support NGOs in their digital fundraising efforts. I especially love working with smaller NGOs who can't afford to hire someone to build up their Google AdGrants ($10k free advertising credits for Google Ads) program or Facebook advertising. I don’t charge anything for my NGO work--it's all pro bono.
Are you an NGO who needs help with online fundraising?
Get in Touch & Let's Talk
Clients &
Some of the NGOs & Companies I have been working with.

What People say

Moritz Habermann
Senior Industry Manager, Google
I had the pleasure to work with Andri for almost 4y in his position as Head of Online Marketing at Marley Spoon. During that time I was impressed by his profound online marketing knowledge, and I got to know him as a marketer who is always challenging the status quo and most importantly who is willing to learn and advance in a fast-pacing world.

Sarmishta Pantham
Head of Design & UX at Marley Spoon
You really are the cheerleader for what’s right, what’s logical and what’s human. Thank you for being the voice of reason in the many of our discussions, being such a great collaborator and always being there with a smile! It’s been a pleasure getting to know you from day 1 on!

Daniel Verst
Strategic Business Partner, Facebook
Andri and I worked closely on various Facebook marketing related projects over the time span of two years. He has built and successfully maintained the most sophisticated marketing strategy at Marley Spoon. While doing so, he has always been eager to learn, test and optimize strategies that led to a great performance.
Andri’s team always showcased an impressive skillset, while being tirelessly result-driven. It was clear to me, that Andri would be a great choice as a speaker at our conferences in Seattle and London to inspire other teams.